Wednesday, December 28, 2011

December's Goals Updated!

This is my updated list of December goals. I realize I have just a bit of time yet to get that one last item finished, but I was relishing a visit from my daughter who I only see for one week a year. She was my priority this week.

If you would like to participate with us and map out your goals for each month, broken down into weekly steps, please send Stephanie a note.

I am taking up the inspiration I found online from Stephanie at Corn and Cotton: My Family's Story and Terri's Finding OurAncestors and Denise's Genealogy Journey all posted today. They are stating their goals for the month, and then we’ll inspire each other to accomplish the goals, and set new ones every month. This might actually be very motivating for me! Thank you all for the inspiration, I really appreciate it!

December will be a busy month already so my goal list will be short. December is toast!

My goals for December:
  1. Write 3 blog posts. At least one for my Genealogy and Other Thoughts  and 2 for My Wonderful Family - Done
  2. Get the pile of photos on the work table in date order and start (maybe finish) putting them in a photo album. - Almost, photos organized and in date order, grouped by family and ready to go into book.
  3. Scan more of the photos on said work table- All of the photos are Done
  4. Create a blogging schedule and an idea list for future blogs - Done
  5. Do indexing at least once per week for FamilySearch - Done

Thank you for your inspiration, now I need to get to work! In the months ahead I’ll try to stay with Stephanie’s goal format (noted below), but no promises. Just making goals is a step in the right direction for me!

Previous Month in Review

One Small Goal

One Bigger Goal

One Long-term Goal

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